Friday, October 31, 2008

Star Wars Clan + 1 Kitty

Happy Halloween!!!
Boyd is typically NOT a fan of Halloween, but this year is different. We are attending a costume party this weekend, so he was forced to pick a costume and dress up for the occasion. And WOW did he get into it! Check out his belt - it's homemade by Boyd himself! As is his entire costume!
Halloween 2008
Billy is a Clone Trooper, Boyd is Han Solo, I am Princess Leia...and Caitlyn is the lone little kitty!
Halloween 2008

Of course we carved up some pumpkins too... Well... ahem...Boyd and I carved pumpkins. And only after I scooped out all the guts from each one since I'm the only brave one willing to touch the guts!!
Pumpkin Guts!!!

Caitlyn got out of all the hard work:

She, as always, had more fun posing for pictures...

The final results!
Smiley Face PumpkinMean Spooky Pumpkin
Yoda PumpkinDarth Vader Pumpkin
See my Yoda pumpkin? I gots mad skills! haha! Boyd's Darth Vader wasn't bad either ;) Actually, the photo above doesn't do it justice because the pumpkin was starting to deteriorate already! (It looks better in the photo below)
Pumpkins in a row

Have a safe and very Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A guy and his girls

So finally I have some more photos to post of my session with Michelle, her husband, Dan and their beautiful daughter, Elizabeth (the leaf photo below) =)
Initially we were going to have the shoot at Big Falls (a beautiful park area with waterfalls), but realized we may lose precious sunlight and opted for the popular Irvine Park. An easy decision since they are lucky enough to live right across the street!



Their dog, Brandy, was along for the shoot too:

Thanks guys for letting me chase you around the park for a couple hours. Sorry you were freezing the whole time! - But I had a lot of fun and again, got some great experience!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

coming soon...

This little teaser/sneak peek is for Michelle who is patiently waiting to see the photos I took of her family last Friday evening...


Almost done Michelle! =)

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Watkins Family

Bright and early Saturday morning I met up with the Watkins family. Despite the frost on the ground and fog in the air - we braved the cold to get some beatiful shots on the Red Cedar Trail in Menomonie. I went to college in Menomonie and walked this path many times - even took photos of this bridge for my photography class. It was great to get back out here again, I forgot how gorgeous it is!

Isn't this a beautiful family?

Unfortunately, not long after we got started, we had a little incident when daddy and baby 'clunked' heads and this was the result:
So that kind of wrapped up our time together - but I think we still managed to get some great shots - I hope they agree!
Oh, and they even brought their dog with, but we didn't really get a chance to include her with the family before we had to 'cut things short' - so here's a shot of their beautiful black lab, Berkley:

Thanks guys for helping me get some more practice. I definitely learned when working with a 6month old, I need to act FAST, becuase you never know what might happen or when moods change! =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Take me on a trip..."

"...I'd like to go some day....let's go to Chicago, SAN FRANCISCO BAY!" So there is this somewhat annoying new song on the radio (okay...I actually kind of like it) called "American Boy" by someone named Estelle..? I think? ANYWAY - this was basically the theme song of our honeymoon last week. ONLY because it was playing EVERYWHERE we went! Boyd absolutely hates it - which made it even more fun! hahahaha! *evil laugh*

So bright and early Monday morning after the wedding, Boyd and I headed out for our honeymoon to Napa Valley/Sonoma Valley/San Francisco. It was a great escape from reality - but it was nice to come home too. :)

Before we even got to wine country, we made a stop at the Jelly Belly Factory! We are such kids!
Even the pizza is shaped like a Jelly Bean!
Jelly Belly Factory
Napa was a good way to start the honeymoon. Nice and low key - beautiful countryside - very few tourists - and all that wine!
Napa ValleyNapa ValleyNapa Valley
Napa Valley
Napa Valley

The next day we went a little further west into wine country to Sonoma Valley, before making our way down to San Francisco. Cline Cellars even gave us a free mini-bottle of wine when we told them we were on our honeymoon! Yay!
Sonoma Valley
Sonoma Valley
Sonoma Valley

Then it was to San Francisco!...
San Francisco
(we had to pay a $6 toll to cross the darn bridge!!)
San Francisco
San Francisco

China Town
San Francisco - China Town
San Francisco - China Town


Then my favorite part of the whole trip - Muir Woods
Muir Woods
Muir Woods
Muir Woods
Muir Woods

What a great week! The perfect follow up to a perfect wedding day! It still seems unreal to think we are finally MARRIED!
Oh...and as always - there are a TON more photos on my Flickr page!

images by april bodenburg photography llc

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