Tuesday, March 30, 2010


love the warmer temps we are starting to see here lately...
love the smell of fresh air that fills the house when i open the windows...
love the pastel colors that are everywhere this time of year...
love finding beauty in simple items...

spring is here

and a collage of photos for my "one-word" project last week.
the theme: round

1) love our old doors and locks in our home --- do not especially love how finicky they are 2) love vintage cameras 3) love anything teal lately...i purchased these canisters for my kitchen, and have a robins-egg-blue kitchenaid mixer on the way! 4) love coca-cola.... typically i'm a mountain dew girl, but this pregnancy has me craving coke. so i at least go caffeine-free ;)

happy spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

maternity too!!

In addition to the newborn promotion listed below - if anyone is interested in also having maternity photos taken, I'm offering a maternity add-on for just $75!

Contact me for further details!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Newborn Promotion | Eau Claire Newborn Photographer

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

photos for me

Sorry for the blogging-hiatus. I always tell myself I'm going to keep up with posts on this blog - but then the icky, Wisconsin--winter-weather gets the best of me and steals my motivation. But I thought I'd pop in and show you what I've been up to.

Aside from my occasional participation in the 'develop on fridays' group (seen in previous posts), I've started taking part in other little photo groups/projects as well. These photos are for me. Things, objects, mostly still-life, some self-portraits... but really just for my own enjoyment and growth.

A good friend of mine, Rachel, started a group on Flickr. It's a weekly challenge based on one word and our interpretations. The first week was "sugar" - here's my collection (notice the good and bad sugar): :)

one word :: sugar

This past week was "light". I tried a few self-portraits (something I'm actually missing a little bit since finishing my 365 project!)..

If you look in the bottom left corner of the "light" series, you can see a bit of my "baby bump"! Most of you know this I'm sure, but I am now 21 weeks pregnant with our first child.... these self-portraits were taken just a few hours before finding out we are having a boy! :)

Another short-term project I took part in was "for the love of color" (also on Flickr). Each day was a different color...
Here is my shot for "orange" day:

I'll try to share a few more of my personal, "for me" photos more often!

(btw, sorry for the smaller-than-usual photos... I forgot to size them accordingly when I published to flickr...and was too lazy to resize) ;)

images by april bodenburg photography llc

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