Saturday, September 27, 2008

One week to go...

With just one week before we walk down the aisle, you'd think we'd be running around like chickens with our heads chopped off - finishing up last minute details. But - we are pretty much set! So we decided to take advantage of today's beautiful fall weather and take the kiddos down to the school playground. We initially attempted to fly kites - but that didn't work so well without wind. =(
It felt pretty good to know in one week we'll be Mr. and Mrs. - yet we're able to actually enjoy our last weekend of single-dom relaxing and having fun with the kids.

Getting this shot was harder than it looks! (These things swing around!)

Caitlyn was Miss Model... "April - take a picture of me HERE!... Okay, this would be a good picture over HERE!..."

I also realized after these photos I need to invest in more hair ties for her - her hair is constantly in her face! Oh well - it's more "model-esque", right??? =)

Billy was having more fun climbing the wall than posing for my camera.

Boyd and I cozy up on the bench and reflect on the fact in just one week, we'll be married! Crazy!
almost married (bw)

....PS....when we got home, I quickly snapped out of my "la la land" mood and snapped into reality when Caitlyn threw up her lunch...all over her bedroom floor. Lucky for Boyd, he was out picking up supper - so I got the honor of cleaning it up. Ahh...the joy if "instant-motherhood" =) It's a crazy road, but I'm still loving it!


Unknown September 28, 2008 at 7:13 PM  

I'm So excited for you! Congrats again and Cherish every moment of the day!! and then get back to your photography I can't wait to see what's in store! Have a great week!

images by april bodenburg photography llc

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