Thursday, October 1, 2009

helllooo? is anyone still out there?

Yikes... It's been a while since I've had a chance to update my poor, neglected blog. But believe me - life has been C.R.A.Z.Y!! In a good way :) It started mid-September with a week of solid sessions, followed by my first wedding as the 'primary' shooter. Then my husband and I closed on our first house - so there was a lot of packing, loading and unpacking in there too. Followed by more sessions, more weddings and MORE unpacking! Oh ya, and I happened to fit in a three-day trip to California as well ;)

So my sincere apologies - but this is going to be a big, catch-all post to get caught up.

Here we go....

First was a newborn session with this precious little girl, Jordyn. She was just TWO DAYS OLD during this shoot and she slept like... well.. a baby. ;) I shot this session with my good friend Rebecca. I think we made a pretty good team!
Jordyn | Newborn
Jordyn | Newborn
Jordyn | Newborn
Jordyn | Newborn
Jordyn | Newborn

Then I shot the beautiful wedding of Cassie & Brent. You may remember them from their engagement session earlier this year. I had my dear friend, Stephanie Neprud join me as a second shooter and she was AWESOME. Please be sure to check out her blog and photos from the wedding as well!
Brent & Cassie | Married

Their first look:
Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married

The light was so nummy during the ceremony!

Brent & Cassie | Married

Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married
Brent & Cassie | Married

The following weekend was the wedding of Craig & Lori. They had a fun Luau them complete with flamingos, tiki torches and a pineapple wedding cake!
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding
Craig & Lori | Wedding

Then I packed my suitcase and flew out to Orange County to learn from the AMAZING Jessica Claire! I will blog a separate post on this entire experience - but for now, some shots of Jessica in action...
Jessica Claire Workshop

The day after flying back home - my brother and his wife of 11 years had a vow-renewal/blessing of their marriage. I was completely honored to photograph this special event for them - and in a week and a half, will photograph their reception as well. I will blog a ton more photos of their renewal and reception, but for now - just one that we took while at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Brose Wedding

And to wrap things up, I had two family sessions which will eventually get their own official blog-post... but I thought I'd post one from each for now.

The Zielke's:
Zielke Family

The Stelter's:
Stelter Family

It's been an insane few weeks, but I feel very lucky to have such a full life. :)

Tomorrow, my husband and I leave for a four day weekend to Door County to celebrate our one-year wedding anniversary!! I'm amazed how fast a year flew by! Even more amazed at how much things have changed in that one year!!!

So check back here soon - I'll be updating more frequently and will hopefully sneak in some photos of our new house and trip to Door County too! :)


Anonymous October 1, 2009 at 8:14 AM  

SO fun!!! Makes me want to run out a buy a camera! Great work!

Tiffany October 1, 2009 at 8:45 AM  

What a busy month! Congrats on your two weddings - everything looks beautiful. Can't wait to see more of everything.

kathi C October 1, 2009 at 10:04 AM  

Wow, you have been busy! You must be one organized person, because you didn't drop the ball on anything. I love every single image you've posted, I don't even know where to begin! Seriously talented, my friend!

sneprud October 1, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

Gorgeous - Every single image. You rock girlie :) Wait, and did I tell you that Cory and his wife are just the most gorgeous couple ever? Its no wonder they have such beautiful children. WOW!

Gena Patten October 5, 2009 at 6:47 PM  

So fun! Excited to see your workshop photos :) xoxo

Gena Patten

Rachel Clare October 6, 2009 at 4:05 PM  

You have been unbelievably busy!! Love it all- and, I loved our morning at Starbucks and day together while you were here!

Allyson October 15, 2009 at 9:18 AM  

Wow - busy is an understatement! Love the detail shots at those weddings - fantastic!

~SarahInParis~ October 16, 2009 at 5:36 AM  

Wow April you have been busy. But some really fabulous images. Looking forward to seeing some more really soon.

images by april bodenburg photography llc

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