Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What kind of camera?

As most of my blog-followers know, I am not a professional photographer, and don't claim to be one (yet) :) I've spent time in classes (both in-room and online) not to mention hours upon hours upon hours reading, researching and PRACTICING to get where I am now - and have a LOOOOONG way to go.

With that said, I do get the occasional question; "what kind of camera do you use?" I'm happy to explain what knowledge I have at this point (and have done this quite a bit lately), and I also list the gear I currently own in a link at the top of my blog. But I can't stress enough that in order to create beautiful photos, it's not as simple as buying a big fancy camera. Coincidentally, just earlier tonight, I stumbled across a photographer's blog who summed this up perfectly.

*Before reading, please note - I do not place myself in the same category of this photographer, she's a professional with many, many more years of experience than me!! But she explains, very well, that it's not just the camera that makes a photographer. :)

If interested, you can read her post here.

And because I hate to post without a photo - below is my Project 365 photo for today (if you don't know what I'm talking about, click the link at the top to check it out).

I actually want to point out to prospective "clients" that this photo is a good example of how clothing/color choice can have an impact on a photo session. Normally, my eyes are a very dull, grey-blue color. But my teal/blue scarf brought out the blue tone in my eyes (And actually, in my original image, they look even more blue, but for whatever reason, Flickr seems to mess with my photo's colors!).

Just something to consider. :)

Day 12 - Project 365


Andy & Kristen January 27, 2009 at 8:09 PM  

Amazing... the photo, the link to Michelle's blog post... ALL AMAZING!!

Unknown January 27, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

ummm...yeah I hate it. NOT! you look AWESOME, the pic is Fabulous and the blog post...just right. I love that you added a wardrobe hint, I stress wardrobe a lot! some listen, some don't ;)

Dayne Shuda January 28, 2009 at 7:13 PM  

This might be a dumb question and I don't want any laughter from you and your professional photographer friends ;-)...what is that pink background?

Krystal Muellenberg February 2, 2009 at 8:18 PM  

oooooh! i love your 365 day project. almost makes me want to do it again....but then i remember how hard it was the first time... i don't think i have another year in me. yours are so great!

images by april bodenburg photography llc

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